The State of the Free Software Movement - Free Software Foundation - Richard Stallman
slashdot(tl:dl): at fsf: presentation:, no anti- and/or pro- rms stuff here
brief quote/snippet(from the slashdot writeup):
- For one of the final questions, Stallman was asked if the free software community has a role in limiting environmental damage to our planet? And Stallman answered, "Well, I know of one way where it's directly relevant."
Planned obsolescence causes a lot of waste. And in particular, it produces lots of e-waste. Of course, manufacturing the new devices to be sold to people who have just suffered planned obsolescence uses a lot of energy and a lot of material resources. So free software is exactly the thing to help people keep using the same device for longer.
Now this is not a very direct connection. It's a consequence of being in a community where individuals have more control over what they do. And that is very important, itself. But it also enables people to be less wasteful.
Businesses will direct you into wasteful consumption, because it's profitable for them. And if they have less influence over you, you can stay way from the wasteful consumption.
naturally TinyCoreLinux can play an important part in keeping ewaste to an absolute minimum!
sharing is caring