i try
@ the beginning (before ssh server and the trottler of cpu i think) of bootlocal, i placed my "/opt/nav.sh &" (ok, nice answer)...
ok, my sh makes:
1. launch usbmode switch with parameters (i need to tranform my gsm key): the light of the gsm key changes
2. lanch ppp to connect gsm (a loop in & to recatch the carrier if needed) ..depends where is my key
3. lanch ping to discover network (a loop without &) .. time.. depends
4. end: a loop reading gps key with readline and a curl to fixed ip to send coordinates (depends by the point 3)
it seems the script is called after a little bit.. the prompt is ready, but i see gsm change after more or less 30 seconds (a sensation based upon the change of the blinkiing light on gsm key .. also the strout on prompt seems to lanch after time)
maybe can i put my sh in a better place (or create a service?)? another note: i leave 40-usbmodeswitch in /etc/udev/roles.d/, maybe usb is parsing all of them taking time?