Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

certificates not up to date

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've been using the 'lf.tcz' package as a filemanager (v. 15).

recently, having opened a bug report on their github page (github.com/gokcehan/lf/issues/756), one of the developer's suggestions was to update 'lf' to the latest version. the compilation (in golang) failed with "error x509: certificate signed by unknown authority". they told me that tinycore certificates aren't up-to-date.

being a beginner when it comes to linux and compilation ("./config, make, make install" is all i know), i'm not sure what this means, but i did encounter that error in other software.

i looked for "certificates" in the "tce" package manager and i also tried the command "sudo update-ca-certificates", but that didn't work.

how can i update certificates on tinycore?

Is the ca-certificates extension loaded?

the ca-certificates extension is loaded, yes.

Hi brolo
Welcome to the forum.

--- Quote from: brolo on April 02, 2022, 02:07:27 PM --- ... i also tried the command "sudo update-ca-certificates", but that didn't work. ...
--- End quote ---
Other possible ways of finishing that statement include (but are not limited to):

and it said command not found
and it responded with the following error ...
it appeared to run successfully, but I still get  "error x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"
you can stand by your original statement and let us try to guess where the problem might be.

Your choice.  :)

hi, rich, thanks.

i'm sorry for the brevity, i didn't mean to be obnoxious. in the few times i ask questions in forums like this, i always strive to be through in my explanations. however, i know so little about this topic of certificates and such that all i thought i could do was mention the commands i used and receive suggestions from more well informed people. my bad.

on second thought, there was one more piece of information that i could have provided, which is the output of that command.


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