Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

udev rules.d corepure64

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If you boot with the “base” boot code and then load libinput do you still see the error?

Hi Juanito
Just some observations:
It appears the   .rules  file did not exist prior to TC13.
Also, according to the  .list  files, libwacom.so has been at version  libwacom.so.2.6.1  since at least TC10.
The  /usr/local/tce.installed/libwacom  file also appears to be a new addition in TC13.
These files also appear to be new to TC13:

--- Code: ---/etc/hwdb.d/65-libwacom.hwdb
--- End code ---

These notes apply to x86 and x86_64.

Hi Juanito,

--- Quote from: Juanito on February 25, 2022, 06:44:31 AM ---If you boot with the “base” boot code and then load libinput do you still see the error?

--- End quote ---

yes i just tried to load libinput with the "base" boot mode and got the errors

The problem is that without any error messages on my hardware it’s difficult to troubleshoot.


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