Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
[Solved] TCP 12 x64 How can I set up setxkbmap automatically?
Hi Santos
You are welcome. It was an interesting problem. The Internet is littered with others who tried to do
this using udev only to be told to use an Xorg config file when they failed. The clue came from a post
on the Archlinux forum that suggested the command was being run too early.
Running udevadm monitor --env confirmed this. Unlike a USB thumb drive whose last action is "add"
when it gets plugged in, the last action is "bind" when a keyboard gets plugged in.
Thank you Rich. The feature of running too early will be of my special interest. And your answer will be very helpful and is super handy right now because I always wondered how to execute a specific command based on events. But I was still searching for options, one of it was to install a monitor that gets triggered based on dmesg, based on what I now know udev seem a lot easier to set up and manage.
Will be for another post (if a run into issues). Thanks again.
Hi Santos
Running too early was what tripped everyone else up. Every example I saw used ACTION=="add" which is why
they failed. Someone on the Archlinux forum found a solution that launched a couple of scripts with delays, but
that was a kludge that no longer worked.
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