Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Tiny Core v13.0
--- Quote from: Juanito on February 09, 2022, 12:40:36 AM ---Originally, when tinyx was a part of the base, those executables were in /usr/bin - now that Xlibs is an extension, they should be in /usr/local/bin as per the tinycore convention.
Maybe make an extension that replaces hsetroot?
--- End quote ---
I see, but I still think moving them to /usr/bin is better than replacing files.
There are people who never care about the loading order, even though it probably doesn't matter in this case.
Well, then how about a dummy desktop.sh ?
Hi, chattrhand. I use brave-browser and have no problems entering special symbols. It seems something is unwell with your keyboard settings. Having to copy-paste those special symbols sounds like the most painful workaround imaginable.
On my laptop, which has a standard US keyboard, I can put AltGr ("level 3") and compose keys anywhere I want. If I want those keys on the right Alt and right Ctrl keys, for example, I just have to issue this command in a terminal:
--- Code: ---$ setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl -option lv3:ralt,compose:rctrl
--- End code ---
Now to create the @ symbol with the compose key, I can press and release right Ctrl, then A, then T. Note that the A and T must be capitalized using the Shift key.
PS1: Note that the setxkbmap command does not survive reboots. You have to issue the command with each boot. To automate this, you can create a script in ~/.X.d
PS2: Rich, I realize that this post is not directly relevant to the topic of the thread. Please feel free to move it (with the post that it is referring to) somewhere else.
Hello Forum,
issues with user data entry via peripherals (Laptop keyboard)
There is perhaps a virtual onscreen keyboard tool
sometimes, World Wide Web browsers have library's of free plug ins.........and they offer
onscreen keyboards plug ins.......which offer most of the symbols and regular convention(s)
Rich, I made a mistake in my post above but it's too late to edit it. After the code block it should read "...I can press and release right Ctrl...". Please fix it if you can.
Hi GNUser
--- Quote from: GNUser on February 09, 2022, 09:54:01 AM --- ... Please fix it if you can.
--- End quote ---
I can and did. :)
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