Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64
How to enable watchdog?
Is there any way to activate the software Linux watchdog? The watchdog command is not available from busybox. I do have 2 devices /dev/watchdog and /dev/watchdog0.
There is a package watchdog-KERNEL-tinycore64.tcz, but that only seems to contain kernel modules, no binaries, deamons or watchdog.conf file.
Try the WDT kernel boot option.
Hi bmarkus,
Thanks for your quick answer. I will try your suggestion tomorrow on my test VM.
However, I think the kernel part is running. If I open the /dev/watchdog device file (by reading from it), the device reboots after a minute or so. The part I'm missing is the user space daemon that should regularly perform tests and then write to /dev/watchdog to reset the keepalive timer.
Hi bmarkus,
I tested and no change. The /dev/watchdog and /dev/watchdog0 devices are still there, but no userspace deamon to control them. I read the core cookbook and the tc-config script, there is no mention of a wdt boot code. What is it supposed to do?
Hi FlyingDutchman
The util-linux extension contains wdctl which allows you to check the status and set the timeout of the
hardware watchdog timer.
There is also watchdogd available on github:
If you describe what you are looking to monitor and under what conditions you are looking to reboot, you may
get more responses.
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