Tiny Core Base > Micro Core
MicroCore v. 2.2 works swell
Hi microcore-team!
At a first glance of the new v. 2.2 it seems that you have done a very good job. I really like the looks of wget when downloading a new extension or an update. So keep on improving this wonderful distro!
Have fun guys,
Yes, tc puts the FUN in functional. Big thanks to RobertS and Team TC.
mc 2.2 looks really good so far, though of course I haven't really beat it up yet :)
I really like the looks of wget too - especially the part where it keeps going w/o stalling in the middle of an extension or dependency. ;D
Team tinycore and contributors - you guys are great!
Hello to everyone. I started using Microcore yesterday as a special project I was requested to do.
The distro is fantastic however in order to get on the web with a wireless interface you need to be connected to the web. I do not use eth0 in my hose, everything is wireless.
After some reading I realized I needed wicd . After some more reading and compiling wicd 1.5.9 , I remastered and af fas as I know I have wireless when the distro starts, however it is not automatic , how can I get the dhcp to recognize it iI only manage to break the init script.
I am also working an the USB installation.
I might find the answer before any coment but just in case , great job.
Thanks in advance
Here you can find how I do:
It's been working great on the 5 types of comupeters I have tested.
I might have made some updates to the script since I wrote about it in the forum, so if you in case you want to adopt it, and want an update,please let me know.
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