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reinstallation! ; the damn thing takes the connected drivers with it!

(1/4) > >>

rm -rf --no-preserve-root / after  :o
the damn thing takes the connected drivers with it!  ???


reinstallation! ;
I created a "" file that downloads the core components for me.
file content ;

--- Code: ---tce-load -wi Xorg-7.7-3d firmware-radeon xf86-video-ati alsa-config pavucontrol htop windowmaker windowshot ezremaster xfe aterm wbar kmaps getlocale firefox_getLatest
--- End code ---

but even though i put it on usb
I can't find path to file "" with commands "ls" "cd" "pwd"

I can't see sdd1 content in command prompt! :(

iso content written to usb drive;

Did you mount the usb stick/usb hd before trying to read it’s contents?

iso burned to usb and ready.

how do i run the batch script!?


--- Code: ---sudo mount /dev/sdd1
--- End code ---

so how do i turn that into an automatic command!?
Speaking of a usb created with the "universal usb installer" ! ?

--- Code: ---sudo mount /dev/sdd1
--- End code ---

Where should this script caller be installed to be permanent?

Where can I integrate the batch script that will be used automatically for booting at the most basic level!?


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