Micro Core V2.2 is now posted at
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/2.x/release/Change log for v2.3
* New noautologin boot code. Be sure to have passwords setup, working, and saved.
* New tce-audit command line script engine for appsaudit.
* New core2ram.flg placed in your tce directory will load all .core. elements to ram.
* New tcz2ram.flg placed in your tce directory will cause all tczs to be loaded into ram.
* New tcz2ram.lst placed in your tce directory will result in those tczs specified in such be ram loaded.
* New busybox.conf for user umount, ping, passwd.
* Updated rc.shutdown to delete "marked" extensions.
* Upgraded busybox to 1.14.3.
* Updated tc-terminal-server to support microcore image.
* Updated tce2tcz.sh to use squashfs
* Updated tce-load now only calls flwget when appbrowser is running.
* Updated tce-load and tc-config now handles meta-extensions.
* Updated tce-load tee'd messages to support both CLI and appbrowser.
* Updated tce-load, added getopts to support new options. Now use -w (was wget) , -i (to install), -r (force tcz to ram) and -f (force symlinker)
* Updated tc-config, moved dhcp to after restore to support firmware extensions.
* Updated tc-config to support tcz extensions in /opt/tce for remasters.
* Updated tc-config, moved keymap setup after restore for support of keymap extensions.
* Updated usbinstall to pause for not found support extensions when run from the system menu.
* Dropped default autoscan of tclocal for improved boot speed.
* Dropped nolocal boot code as now not needed.
* Cleanup of unused or unlinked busybox applets.
* Dropped tce-wget. Use tce-load instead.
Note: Not all tczs may work loaded to ram. If you find such, please report in the extension area and not here. It is a goal to move to supporting only one type of extension for the next major release of Tiny Core.
You will need to grab the latest Xprogs.core.tczl to get the latest changes in the X environment and follow the "Files likely in your backup" section of Tiny Core v2.3 Release Announcement.