Hi Rich,
Update, I think I got the little system going pretty good now at even 200 kHz sample rate, 200 k dma_blk_size, xset s off, and leave on transient screen, seems to run indefinitely at 200 kHz or 100 kHz sample rate !
Having problems with the DRACAL temperature sensor though (USB-TMP125), it needs a newer version of libusb-1.0 it seems, the DRACAL software won't compile. I did install digitemp 3.4 though, and it built just fine, so I have some simpler (and cheaper) temp sensors on the way that work with digitemp, so hopefully that will work, to have some real temperatures to report within the GUI.
On the GPS front, I can't buy the U-Blox EVK-M8T's at the moment (apparently there was a fire at a crystal factory in China U-Blox told me) so I'm building my own little GNSS timing solution with ZOE-M8Q from SParkfun, can configure it with a UART to USB adapter in Windows, and then use it for TinyCore with a TTL serial to RS232 serial level shifter. This is a lot cheaper than the EVK-M8T's as well.
Once I get the temp sensor and the new GPS setup going I'll have to modify the nice scripts you made for me to get the temperature readings out of a new csv formatted log file, and for the GPS, I would like to try to make use of new (to me anyway) NMEA sentences (GPGSV, GLGSV and GAGSV) to report the total number of GPS, Glonass and Galileo satellites, right now, we're using a NMEA sentence that reports the total number of GPS satellites only.
I also increased kernel.shmall (which Peter said should be done, but not sure if it's truly necessary) and set the "keepalive" time smaller but the latter unfortunately didn't solve the network problem (I don't think), when downloading libusb package I still had to get ping going in another terminal else it just stalled, hmm, problems to be fixed for another day, can always use USB to offload data as well.
So that's about it for me, THANKS SO MUCH, for all the help, I think this thread should be marked as SOLVED (and then some).