Tiny Core Base > piCore Final Releases

piCore 13.1.0 released (32-bit)

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Glad to announce that piCore-13.1.0 (32-bit) released. What is new:

* kernel updated to 5.10.77
* uPython updated
* hmac kernel module added to v6 architecture (v7, v7l have it built in)
* supports ZERO 2 W
* net/usb kernel driver modules added to ZERO's to make USB Ethernet boards working out of stock
As usual, there is only one SD card image which supports all boards, no hardware specific versions.

Kernel module TCZ's will follow in the next days.

I'm using this tp-link UE330 adapter with 1x Gbit Ethernet and 3x USB3 ports. Works fine with piCore 13.1.0 with any Zero out of stock, you need just an OTG cable.


installing iptables I just ran into missing ipv6-netfilter-5.10.77-piCore-v7l.tcz , the repos for v7l still shows ipv6-netfilter-5.10.16-piCore-v7l.tcz present.

Mahalo, Werner

It seems that v4l-dvb-5.10.77-piCore-v7.tcz is missing from the REPO

It only has the older (kernel) version of v4l-dvb-5.10.16-piCore-v7.tcz

All kernel modules are available on the server. You can extract what you need and make a TCZ, remaster piCore or just add it to backup.


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