I'm running latest PicorePlayer (v8.1, and piCore v13.1). piCore v13.1 has micropython built in and I want to install the hifiberry dsptoolkit at the command line. Unfortunately I'm not linux savvy enough to be able to do that so looking for help. My idea is to have the dsptoolkit installed in piCore in order to be able to program the hifiberry DAC+DSP HAT with a filer profile for room correction (correction filters prepared using REW). The idea is that whilst listening to music through PiCoreplayer at teh PiCore command line one can upload a set of filters into the DSP to listen to the effect; switching back and forth between different filter options vs no filters. I understand the dsptoolkit command line quite well so once dsptoolkit is installed I'm good to go.
Anybody able to advise how to install dsptoolkit ??