I sometimes use Porteus on my uefi-only machines, and thought I'd document how easy it is to incorporate Tinycorepure64 into it for those cantankerous modern machines out there.

This is a general project note and is not intended for total newbs to either system!
TL;DR - I used Porteus 64 live-image as the bootloader for TinyCore 64 bit.
Tinycore is very easy to incorporate into Porteus as the boot host. You can find the latest more or less rolling here. I used Porteus-v5.0rc3. (it comes out almost yearly since being based on Slackware, waiting for THAT to be officially released is waiting for the other shoe to drop.) And no, you can't just dd it. Porteus is simply copied to a drive, and then either run the windows exe or the linux shell script to make it bootable. BUT, like Coreplus, this is ONLY the installer, and nothing will be saved. See Porteus for more info on making a daily driver.
Notification and links to the rc3 images:
https://forum.porteus.org/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=9716Similar to us, a great team of enthusiastic users and very smart devs. Lets marry them together, but you know the rule: if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces, so don't bug the devs!! Ie, this mashup isn't really intended for a distro-hopper.
Very simple. Simply copy the 64 bit TC distribution files vmlinuz64 and corepure64.gz into this directory onto your Porteus stick:
Now edit
/boot/syslinux/porteus.cfg and add the following somewhere in the menu setup:
LABEL TinyCore
MENU Run TinyCorePure64
KERNEL /boot/syslinux/vmlinuz64
INITRD /boot/syslinux/corepure64.gz
APPEND waitusb=5 showapps tce
My feeble attempt to run
TinyCore64 with Porteus as
a boot host.
So now when you boot, you'll be presented with a menu to choose tinycore64 to boot into, in addition to the usual Porteus choices. You of course will be a bit skilled in TC, and either be prepared to set your drive, or have a pre-configured tce directory installed somewhere. The TinyCorePure64 iso is handy for nabbing all the files needed to get started if you extract them.
Being able to boot into Porteus is also kind of handy in case you totally hose your TC installation and need to use tools to rectify or change it back into working order.
So what to call this: Tinyus - Portycore. Whatever. It is an interesting and I think useful combo where we help each other!