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awk oddities

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hi *

heare are afew  oddities awk found while looking for other compleatly diffrent awk related things -  A git implementation in awk - File manager written in awk


a few more # Simple task/command runner with declarative goals and dependencies

--- Quote ---AOK is a pre-processor to AWK code that adds:

- Abstract data types;
- Easy methods to list the  attributes and operations of that data;
- Object constructors;
- Nested object constructors.
- Multi-line quotes
- A _dot_ notation for easy reference to nested structures.

As an example of the last point,


expands to


By the way, the magic text substitution  for implementing the above is:

gensub( /\.([a-zA-Z_])([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/,
--- End quote --- # Similar to tomnomnom/gron but in Awk.

mocore: # A dumb key/value store implemented in awk & plain-text files

 perhaps this could be a usefull addition to base  ;)
 to create a sort of
 tinycore registry  :P  to store configuration info etc 

--- Code: --- kv.awk TCLM add Registry-Equivalents_and_alternatives
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: ---In contrast to Windows Registry's binary-based database model,
some other operating systems use separate plain-text files for daemon and application configuration,
but group these configurations together for ease of management.

 In Unix-like operating systems (including Linux) that follow the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard,
system-wide configuration files (information similar to what would appear in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Windows)
are traditionally stored in files in /etc/ and its subdirectories, or sometimes in /usr/local/etc.
Per-user information (information that would be roughly equivalent to that in HKEY_CURRENT_USER) is stored in hidden directories and files (that start with a period/full stop) within the user's home directory.
However XDG-compliant applications should refer to the environment variables defined in the Base Directory specification.[56]
--- End quote ---


 # AWK As A Major Systems Programming Language — Revisited

 this is particularity interesting imho and contains more links and a du.awk
 as well as some insight into the history of awk 

 the readme list some murky edge cases  and workarounds

 Shell, Awk, and Make Should Be Combined
 interesting comparison's
 & more links to other  third-party "standard libraries"  ( awkenough , awk-libs , and the 'A-Library-of-awk-Functions' section in the gawk manual )

 make  implemented in awk

 another stdlib OSIX standard library for Awk and shell

 Speculative View on How FP Could Work in AWK

 Awk, Unix, and functional programming

mocore:  8)

an interesting write up of this "Console roguelike written in awk " project

... much like huijunchen9260/fm.awk file manager awkventure  includes some basic "Text-based user interface" ( read keypress / draw on terminal )

*tangent:List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces *


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