Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Dillo browser quick-start

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PDP-8, I am not a developer also. I wanted to say you could unsquash original tcz, and then squash the modified appl in a new tcz. Just that. IMHO, by re-compiling dillo you will not gain execution speed, neither size shrinked. Maybe few dependency (if ever) because less image format supported, etc.

But then we have already lynx, elinks etc. I really wander how much speed/ size does someone to squeeze from dillo, and why (what REAL device is used on, because for qemu/ VM it does not matter).

PS: maybe for another topic to be opened, what CPU (486/586/686+) and what RAM (32/ 64/ 128/ 512 KB / 1MB+) the CURRENT tc users VOTE for? I mean what they USE today. Lets see the 486 compatibility in action in year 2022 for tc forum users. Do you believe that there are only few (vocal) users, and the rest are silent tc grabbers?

Not understanding the whole ethos of what TC/picore is, a *core* to make the most out of the resources available, and the extreme flexibility that differentiates it from other distros is part of the problem for drive-by distro-hoppers.  The hardware used depends on what the end-game need is. 

If you were raised in a culture of consumption, then your only task is to see how fast TC can get to a big browser or other form of media consumption and gawk at it like those zombies in the 1984 Apple commercial. :)

But grandpa here came from another era - where something like TC today would be simply unobtainium unless you were at university or a major corporation.  Or had $50K or more to spend on a workstation.

And if something didn't work, you figured it out, and ideally shared that fix with others.

For example of the old-school way:  If I had a classroom full of students, I'd hand them just the bootable CORE, with no online access at all, and ask them to show me what they could do with it sitting there with nothing but the $ shell prompt.

"But I don't know VI editor"

"Ok, let's start off with a herefile just so you can get started"

--- Code: ---cat > myfirstfile << EOF
Um, so do I just type here?  I guess it's working...
Better type slowly, since I cant do much more than backspace or kill a whole line.

So what does cat mean?  What the heck is standard input and output?
If everything is a file, does that mean the keyboard and screen is a file too?
OHHH, so kinda virtualized.

Ah, so cat concatenates two or more file.  I see, I can make a file using nothing
but cat, rather than trying to cat actual files on the disk because to unix
the keyboard is a file which gets characters slowly from ME, and instead of
writing it out to the virtual "screen file", it will now be written to disk as

But how do I stop, I don't want to keep typing forever.  AH, its that eof thing.
got it.  On a line by itself.  Lets try it!

--- End code ---

Ah, young paduan, it's the ultimate game.  And this worked since about 1970, so now you've learned something that will last 50 years or more.  You don't get that from gawking at multimedia.  Instead, you just picked up a skill to be a creator, and not a consumer.  Tinycore merely adds features beyond the usual "scatter disk" installation that has been around forever.

So yeah, I'm the wrong guy to ask. :)


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