Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Is possible change text size in text editor?


Hello !!!

I'm a happy Tinny Core user.

Please, is possible change text size in text editor?

Thanks and greetings,


I have changed the resolution to 640x480 and the font looks a bit bigger but I think there must be some configuration file where the font and size can be changed. Does anyone know how to do it?

Thanks and greetings.


Hi ramonriera
If you are talking about the FLTK editor that comes standard with Tinycore, I'm pretty sure the font size is compiled
into the executable. I did some searching and the only solution I found was what you did, change the screen resolution.
The only advice I can offer is try to use a multiple of 2 when selecting a resolution for maximum font clarity.

Thanks Rich.

I am going to use leafpad.

Greetings and thanks again.



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