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Wifi on ASUS eee pc 1000HE (with WEP)
It's good to be back, I have nice memories about DSL and it is especially nice to see some familiar people around :)
In my first post let me share my successful activation of wifi with WEP. I've read bits and pieces here on the forum and elsewhere.
In a Terminal type:
--- Code: ---sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "MY ESSID"
sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode managed key "MY KEY"
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo udhcpc -i wlan0
--- End code ---
To do this at every boot, add the above (without sudo) to /opt/bootlocal.sh
Please reply if there is a better way of doing this.
Edit: added how to make this run at every boot.
not better, but shorter:
1. cpanel, dhcp server on wlan0;
2. sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid MYESSID key MYKEY
iirc, if you use the gui, i.e. from cpanel, a script will be generated and saved as something like /opt/my*.sh
--- Quote from: ^thehatsrule^ on July 30, 2009, 10:58:30 PM ---iirc, if you use the gui, i.e. from cpanel, a script will be generated and saved as something like /opt/my*.sh
--- End quote ---
So I use Netcardconfig in Control Panel (called Panel in the bar) and set interface to wlan0, set Use DHCP Broadcast to yes and then click Apply. This generates /opt/wlan0.sh which contains:
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
pkill udhcpc
udhcpc -H box -b -i wlan0
--- End code ---
I don't think this will work... or did you mean that this file can then be modified by adding all else needed, and then /opt/wlan0.sh added to /opt/.filetool.lst ?
Yes, something like that. The user spillz recently added a "setting up wifi" wiki article which may be of interest.
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