Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
I zapped a USB folder(s) - plural - about 200 files and
fortunately had a very recent copy of ALL folders stuffed in /tmp - whoo hoo....
So I copied them back - whew - with a suduski cp -r command and now they are all owned by ROOT
I tried to chown them - permission denied. Did a suduski chown - nope.
What's the easiest way to go through each folder - about a dozen - and do them all.
I can write a loop.
ALSO - when I try to log in as ROOT / ADMIN it wants a password. That documentation doesn't appear in searching here...please email me si vous plais. Mucheski Graciosis.
sudo chown will only fail if your filesystem doesn't support ownership, like fat32.
Hi grandma
--- Quote from: grandma on July 14, 2021, 01:05:17 AM --- ... So I copied them back - whew - with a suduski cp -r command and now they are all owned by ROOT ...
--- End quote ---
Is that supposed to be sudo ? If you are gonig to ask for help, show the commands exactly as you entered them.
Frankly, I had no idea what you meant. But then again, I don't expect people to replace parts of commands with
words they made up because they think it's clever.
The command you wanted was (assuming you actually need to use sudo):
--- Code: ---sudo cp -a
--- End code ---
You can find out what that means just by asking:
--- Code: ---tc@E310:~$ busybox cp --help
BusyBox v1.29.3 (2018-12-19 15:29:37 UTC) multi-call binary.
Copy SOURCE(s) to DEST
-a Same as -dpR
-R,-r Recurse
-d,-P Preserve symlinks (default if -R)
-L Follow all symlinks
-H Follow symlinks on command line
-p Preserve file attributes if possible
-f Overwrite
-i Prompt before overwrite
-l,-s Create (sym)links
-T Treat DEST as a normal file
-u Copy only newer files
--- End code ---
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