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Resizer extension submitted

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Hi jazzbiker

--- Code: ---CFLAGS=-flto -fuse-linker-plugin -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -g  -pipe -Wall -Wextra -fno-plt
--- End code ---
The linker script also makes a difference, as I wrote about here:

Then compile like this:

--- Code: ---gcc $CFLAGS Program.c -o Program $LDFLAGS
--- End code ---
or for  ncursesw  like this:

--- Code: ---gcc $CFLAGS -c Program.c
gcc $LDFLAGS -I. -L. Program.o -o Program -lncursesw
--- End code ---

Hi Rich,

Yes I tried to compile exactly with all the options You describe in Resizer.tcz.info. And appending "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables" to CFLAGS still significantly reduces binary size. By the way, these unwind tables are provided during compilation, I tried to link binary with tcc, and their presence or absence still affect the binary size.
Thank You for advices, as "-fno-...-tables" option doesn't affect Resizer then my question is answered.


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