I am using TC12.0 X86 frugal install. XMMS-1.2.11 installed to play ballroom music tracks. XMMS plays the music ok, but I cannot display the ID3 tags correctly.
Ctl-p opens Preferences, click on Title tab. In the Title Format field I set to display the track Title with %t, but the Playlist displays
a y with 2 dots above (ASCII 152) plus a vertical line with a half circle one side (ASCII 232) plus the 1st char of the filename.
I get the same faulty display with %p for Artist, %a for Album, %c for Comment.
What does work is %f displays filename; %e displays file extension; %F displays file path.
Leaving the Title format field blank displays the filename minus the extension.
In the attached screenshot:-
Track 1 is with %t specified.
Track 2 is with %f specified.
Track 3 is with %e specified.
Track 4 is with blank specified.
I would really like the %c to work as the Comment contains the type of dance the track is for.