Hello TinyCore Team,
now that I have some knowhow to work with tce-12.0-64 I'd like to use veracrypt for encrypted file containers.
I download and install veracrypt.tcz using the AppsBrowser.
Following mainly the "Verschlüsselte Container mit VeraCrypt: Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung" by
https://www.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de/dienste/it-sicherheit/it-arbeitsplatzsicherheit/schritt-fuer-schritt-anleitung-veracrypt/with some small deviations as:
- starting by the command line instead directly of the wBar icon,
- selecting slot 11 as my harddisk has 9 partitions, + one for USBStick
- click on [Create Volume]
- (o) Create an encrypted file container,- recommended for inexperienced users
- (o) Standard veraCrypt volume (just not a hidden one)
- [ /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/VCcryptoContainer]
- Encryption algorithm: AES, hash-algorithm: SHA-512
- Volume Size: [ 500 ][MB] where 46.1 GB available and 292 kB minimum.
(and my Lenovo b4030 has only 1.7 GB RAM)
- Password: 20 alfanumerics
- Format Options: filesystem [ Linux ext4 ]
- Cross-Platform Support: (o) I will mount the volume only on Linux,
so the warning popup window is taken to account
- Wild Mouse Movements to generate some entropy
- clicked on [Format] to set up the volume.
... And there the error message popping up:
Failed to set up a loop device
Closing the windows and exiting VeraCrypt I notice in the Terminal window about 60 error messages like this one; (where every item of the above list added two or more of them):
(veracrypt:8761): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 21:02:17.564: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkRadioButton
Also I saw that the actual version of veracrypt is 1.24 while the tinycore repository shows:
Current: 2019/03/10 updated 1.21 -> 1.23
Is there a way to update, so that veracrypt and tinycore work together again?
Thanks in advance!