dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86_64
buster64 X problem
Buster64 with only xorg-all loaded. sudo startx fails: "Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs for all framebuffer devices"
stretch64 works no problem.
The reason I'm now switching to buster64 is my other machine's wacom works in it. If I load xserver-xorg-input-wacom in stretch64 and try sudo startx it freezes
Something to do with the graphics driver as changing it to vesa works. Stretch64 works no problem.
Also sce-import doesn't find openvpn. Which is in stretch64.
Jason W:
Hi amuctued. In dCore-buster64 you only have xorg-all installed? You will also need a window manager loaded and that window manager listed in /etc/sysconfig/desktop. Thanks.
Also, dCore-buster64 for me finds openvpn with sce-import. Using "sce-import openvpn" produces the following results, and when choice 1 is imported, imports 33 packages total:
--- Code: ---Select package for 'openvpn'.
1. openvpn
2. openvpn-auth-ldap
3. openvpn-auth-radius
4. openvpn-systemd-resolved
Enter selection ( 1 - 4 ) or (q)uit:
--- End code ---
I've also tried xfce: same story. But I found out bare buster64 with xorg-all and sudo startx is just enough to find out whether X will work out of the box on a particular machine.
I have a usb with dcore buster64 which I test on different machines. In buster64 X works on one and doesn't on another where in stretch64 it did. Putting xorg.conf to use vesa makes X work. Tells me I have to troubleshoot video driver
Jason W:
Ok, I see. Thanks for your testing and input.
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