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Author Topic: boot process stops  (Read 12831 times)

Offline Rich

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Re: boot process stops
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2021, 04:28:30 PM »
Hi windundgeist
It could be an issue with your BIOS, or one of the many configuration tables (DSDT, ACPI AML tables, etc.) that computers
have nowadays. Using  acpi=off  is a brute force technique that disables the entire  ACPI  system. If you want to try to
narrow it down further, you can try replacing  acpi=off  with the following boot codes one at a time to see if one
them makes things better too:
Code: [Select]
pci=noacpi, acpi=noirq, pnpacpi=off, noapic, nolapic

Offline windundgeist

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Re: boot process stops
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2021, 06:17:06 PM »

The only boot code that has the same effect is nolapic.  I have already googled it and found this:


Don't sounds that bad, no? And as I have anyway just 1 CPU (single core), it doesn't matter, no? I will google a bit more to see, if there is any risk for the hardware, as I found that acpi=off you should not use on a notebook.

I am writing now already from my TC frugal installation. Everything seems to work fine.

Thank you so much, Rich!

Now I will enjoy my TC, because I really like it. I have Vivaldi, Fluff file manager (that is very cool!) and the normal editor. Actually I don't need a lot more to do my daily work. Maybe a small thing to write a text with some format, I don't need to much. Swapfile is not yet working, but I think I am near! And if I have to do more, I can always use the antiX (done by "anticapitalista" , well...), that has a lot of tools included.

Then I will try to get OSS running on Devuan. I could already move out all alsa stuff. Now I need to do a denylist or a blocklist, to block the alsa stuff that is in kernel. I think that OSS is working better then alsa, as I saw that alsa is not even handling the loudness reduction correct.

And then it will be time to test Fedora coreOS and see what this is able to do? Looks as it is a kind of "terminal-simulation" that let you work with Red Hat on a server. Maybe something like "jOS"?

As I am in Buenos Aires, waiting until the government is getting removed and the pandemic will go over, I have a lot of time. And maybe in this way I will be able to help some people here to go on working with there old hardware, because the economical situation is very bad. No money, no new computer.

have a very nice evening, Rich :)

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Re: boot process stops
« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2021, 10:41:53 AM »
Hi windundgeist
Since you only have 1 CPU I think it should be fine.

If you want to try something else, see if this boot code works too:
Code: [Select]
acpi_osi= That is a blank space after the equal sign. This will disable all of the  "OS interface strings".

Offline windundgeist

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Re: boot process stops
« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2021, 01:41:12 PM »

No, it has no effect.

Offline Rich

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Re: boot process stops
« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2021, 02:14:52 PM »
Hi windundgeist
Well, I'm out of ideas. So  nolapic  it is.

If you want to experiment with other boot codes, there are about a thousand here:

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Re: boot process stops
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2021, 02:21:16 PM »

Thank you, I am fine with this solution  :) . If I have time, I will take a look at other boot codes. But my system seems to work fine, fast and correct.