Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

netsurf-gtk3.tcz is missing glibc_gconv.tcz as a dependency

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Hi, Rich!

Thank You very much!

gconv is not visible in ldd because it's not a library, it's the character set conversion tables for libc.so.

Hi, curaga!

Thank You for explanation! Does it means that for this extension (glibc_gconv) only watching over the error messages after starting some binary from CLI can help determine the dependency fact?


--- Quote from: jazzbiker on May 07, 2021, 03:03:21 AM ---Does it means that for this extension (glibc_gconv) only watching over the error messages after starting some binary from CLI can help determine the dependency fact?

--- End quote ---
Hm, maybe sometimes, but not for netsurf. Because this CLI is first thing I do (to start the appl in aterm) to see the warning/error messages.
PS: I hit these problems with root.gz (delayed loading libraries for files from /lib) as curaga explained in the past to me.It becomes harder to "debug" when LDD shows nothing mising (upx compressed ELF), or delay loaded libs. What helped me now and in the past was to search/see in hex-editor for strings (like *.so*, /lib/* etc). or with 7zip (from win10) for ELF structure (data, header, code, text). Not very scientific, but still someting versus nothing.

Yes, it only shows up as error messages usually. If you search the forum for gconv you can find some samples.


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