Tiny Core Base > piCore Final Releases

piCore-13.0.3 released (32-bit)

<< < (10/14) > >>


I just noticed that Motion seems to be gone from the piCore 13.03 (32 bits) repository.
I know there were some problems with libnettle.so.7.0 not being present but as far as I know this was resolved (or could be resolved by explicitely loading it from 12.x). And after the fix it was working very very well, at least on PI400, PI3B, PI3B+!

Can you please re-upload it to the repository?

Kind Regards,

Hi Pengo
I see it's listed here:

Hi Rich,

Strangely enough if I use tce-ab then my pi400 can find it but on the newly installed piZero it does not appear (other packages do).
I checked the mirror (tcemirror file) and it appears to be the same.

Diving a bit deeper I see that the motion package is not in the armv6 repo. I guess the piZero looks there whereas the pi400 installation looks at the armv7 repo where the package is?

I think the reasoning was that motion depends on libavdevice, which has a recursive dep on x265, which didn't compile for armv6 at the time.

Maybe you could manually download motion and test it on your RPi0?

Hi Juanito,

After installation of the necessary build packages (from the repo),  I can compile the latest motion directly from source if I exclude ffmpeg support. The resulting executable seems to work (e.g. detects motion and saves the .JPG images)

In order to compile with ffmpeg support the following packages are needed (but not part of the  piCore repo yet)
Required ffmpeg packages 'libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libswscale-dev libavdevice-dev"

Compilation was done on my piZero.


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