Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

gnumeric 1.12.7 bugs

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looking in alpine linux, i saw nothing special. so maybe you could give it a try as usually for tc with --prefix=/usr/local in ./config
I could help with testing. my AMD A6-6310 APU is not suitable for compiling.

Weekend joy: Because the fat, bloat, often useless "news" in new software (firefox, libreoffice, you name it), sometimes I go back in time to simple, small and fast, wide range cover of almost utilities of TC4. I am still amazed of the quality of that software of a decade ago.

For example gnumeric in TC4 has a functional "add directory plugin", and after the quick look on the surface I did not see many functions additions, or chart types, or whatever. For nostalgic persons, I attached a small snapshot of gnumeric functional dialogs, from Qemu.

To make a summary until now:
A. If you have 3  things:
1- remember all tricks in gnumeric, so no need for void Help menu
2- good memory (like a robot?) and remember all functions syntax (so no need for crippled f(x) functions help, or crippled Help/Functions menu)
3- no need to use solver engine (gLPk, or lp-solve) for linear LP, integer linear ILP, integer and mixed linear equations
Then gnumeric 1.12.7 from TC12_32 is OK for you. Enjoy it. The menu to add plugins is working also.

B. I tried to correct the f(x), and Help/Functions menu, by using external/debian binaries. Done, but still with deficiencies:
1- no functional general browser (yelp depends on libwebkit > 5MB)
4- no functional add directories for plugins (if you ever need it, i do not).
But I can add solver engine. All using /usr/xxx folders.
The only improvements over variant A are solver engine and f(x) selection & help. Which are important for me.

C. Same as B. but I tried using /usr/local/xxx instead of /usr/xxx. Same deficiencies as B (no help, no add plugins), plus
5- no File/Template menu. (but I managed to have all plugins functional).
Now variant C is worst than variant B.


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