I wonder if anyone has considered adding the TC-Install gui to the downloadable TC iso's as standard, even if it costs a minute amount of larger iso size, rather than making it a downloadable utility?
I'm not sure of the wisdom of doing so or what the implications are.
I do know that it would be a very big pointer to newcomers using alternate burning methods, and not realizing that what they are using is essentially a CD type of operation without persistence - to use the utility to get a fully functional/persistent installation with known features so we are all on the same page when it comes to support.
Sure, it can be done by those who know, but these days a lot of ops may have never used a CD or other live-boot demo without understanding the implications of no automatic persistence in a read-only environment.
And, the ability to recreate itself without any online connectivity or other special tools might come in handy as the "stranded on a desert island" backup for making more.

I'm just thinking of a 2-step response:
1) Great, you've gotten TC to boot somehow by hook or crook.
2) Now use *itself* to burn another stick to handle persistence properly.
Of course advanced users don't need this hand-holding, but I would have no objection to the tc-install-gui being part of the base downloadble iso's.
Again, the wisdom of doing so may be beyond me.