Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

vlc.tcz depends on qt-5.x-dbus.tcz

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On Core 12.0 x86_64, the vlc extension failed to load due to missing qt-5.x-dbus.tcz.

I grabbed qt-5.x-dbus.tcz from the 11.x repo and vlc was able to load and run, though I haven't tested it extensively.

For some strange reason qt-5.x-dbus wasn't copied over - now done for the x86 and x86_64 repos.

Hi, I  had the same problem with tiny core plus 12 how I can resolve?

Thank you for your reply.

Hi rullolex
You have a different problem. That  Illegal instruction  message means something tried to execute an instruction that
is not supported by your CPU, possibly caused by  qt.

ok, that mean vlc do not work on my pc?

thank you


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