I'm trying to add the dwc2 USB driver to PiCore 13's "modules-5.10.16-piCore.gz" because the standard RPi dwc-otg driver causes problems in my application (due to using the FIQ).
dwc2.ko is in 5.10.13-piCore_modules.tar.xz at:
http://tinycorelinux.net/13.x/armv6/releases/RPi/src/kernel/But if I try to load it manually (it's not loading automatically with "dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=host" in config.txt like it does in RPi OS, maybe the same problem):
$ sudo modprobe dwc2
modprobe: can't load module dwc2 (kernel/drivers/usb/dwc2/dwc2.ko): unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
$ sudo insmod /lib/modules/5.10.16-piCore/kernel/drivers/usb/dwc2/dwc
insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/5.10.16-piCore/kernel/drivers/usb/dwc2/dwc2.ko': unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
The obvious issue here is that 5.10.13-piCore_modules.tar.xz isn't for the 5.10.16-piCore kernel that PiCore 13 actually uses!
So I'm guessing this is @bmarkus: Could you upload the extra modules for the current kernel in PiCore 13 please?
P.S. I did also add udc-core.ko which dwc2 requires, and it loads OK. So I think my method is correct, it's just that something that dwc2 uses has changed in the newer kernel.