Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Core v12.0beta1
Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core 12.0 Beta1 is available for public testing:
This is an beta level cut. If you decide to help test, then please test carefully. We don't want anyone to lose data.
We appreciate testing and feedback.
Changelog for 12.0 beta1:
* kernel updated to 5.10.3
* glibc updated to 2.32
* gcc updated to 10.2.0
* binutils updated to 2.35.1
* e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.45.6
* util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.36.1
* busybox updated to 1.33.0
* busybox patched to load more than 9 extensions
* busybox patched to remove "Module has invalid ELF header"
* tc-functions: version changes from andyj
* version: changes from andyj
* shutdown.sh: clarifying comment
* busybox-aliases: additions from bdantas
* filetool.sh: comments from bdantas
* tce-setup: remove neeedless timestamp from bdantas
* tce-config: more precise /opt copying from bdantas
* tce-config: rename autoscan from polikuo
* tc-config: similar awk rounding
* init: avoid awk rounding
* filetool.sh: dc syntax change fix from watt
* tce-audit: search fix from lhaley42
* tc-config: get tc version from tc-functions
* release.txt depreciated in favour of os-release
* extensions are in the process of being copied over from the 11.x repo.
* the libffi and readline extensions have been updated - this will break a lot of extensions, so fallback libffi6 and readline7 extensions have been created.
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