Hi guys,
I'm having problems setting up a TC persistent install on Minix Neo Z64-w10. I've managed to create a EFI FAT32 bootable partition with grub which loads the kernel and core, but i'm having problems with persistence.
I don't want a frugal install, but intend to use it like a USB-HDD (worked well with CMS BIOS in past without problems).
I've set up the grub to load it like this:
menuentry "tc" {
linux /boot/vmlinuz64 loglevel=3 cde vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3 cron noutc nozswap tce=mmcblk1p2 restore=mmcblk1p2 home=mmcblk1p2 opt=mmcblk1p2
initrd /boot/corepure64.gz
but it allways says that:
Invalid device specified. Ignoring persistant HOME request !
Invalid device specified. Skipping persistant OPT request !
When I try looking at the partition I can see that mmcblk1p2 is not mounted when it should be.
Any ideas?