Hi Rich!
I use AutoCursor every day and enjoy it very much, thanks for this light and handy extension! Let me share my experience.
I am meeting two types of situations when AutoCursor needs manual service. They are not bugs or issues, just a little inconveniences, which appear rarely and probably for minority of users.
1. When I exit X to cli AutoCursor continues to stay idle in memory and during the next X session I have 2 AutoCursors. One of them active and the other idle. During next X session - 3 AutoCursors and so on. I added to AutoCursor startup script
pidof AutoCursor >/dev/null && s_u_d_o pkill AutoCursor
and am happy.
2. Sometimes I work on the laptop with external mouse. If I accidentally touch USB jack of the mouse then AutoCursor looses mouse handler and captures one of the CPU cores for unsuccessful attempts to do something useful. If I notice this I kill and reload it. But sometimes for example during long compile such an event may pass unnoticed.
Such situations are rare enough to forget about what is the reason for AutoCursor not to work

Both cases are not bugs nor issues, but if there exists simple workaround (something like one additional "if" in the right place) and one day You will be in the mood to make AutoCursor even better than it is now it would be great!
Thanks a lot!