General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial
extension audit script
Jason W:
In addition to some fixes, I added a function that echoes both your name from your info file and the extension maintainers name if the extension you are checking already exists in the repo. If the names don't match, you need to contact the extension maker if you desire to update the existing extension. Please use it and make sure that you are not sending an intended new submission or an update for an extension already existing by someone else. There are 2509 tcz extensions in the repo, and it is easy to overlook one, and this tool will help in that regard.
I use this script on every extension that comes through, but always more efficient to catch one's own errors before they are sent in.
Jason W:
Added some small features and improvements, also using /opt/tcemirror for wget command to allow more universal access. I don't plan on announcing every small change, but I think for now it is where I want it.
Some files that are created to tell you of issues:
/tmp/submitqc/corrupttcz - lists corrupt tcz extensions
/tmp/submitqc/wrongblocksize - lists extensions that are not 4096 block size.
/tmp/submitqc/wrongmd5 - lists extensions that fail md5sum
/tmp/submitqc/tcemaintainer - lists extensions being audited that have existing maintainers and maintainer names.
Jason W:
Added an additional check for extensions in the repo with similar names, so one can make sure that their extension does not already exist in a similarly named format. For example, running the script on emelfm2-locale.tcz will list these extensions as existing in similar named format:
emelfm.tcz emelfm2.tcz emelfm2-locale.tcz
Then the submitter can look to see if any of those existing extensions are the same as he is about to upload, or if his extension will in any way conflict with those that are already there.
This information is stored in this file on each run of the audit script:
Running the script on emelfm.tcz, emelfm2.tcz, and emelfm2-locale.tcz produced this output in the similarextensions file that can be studied after the script is run, handy in the case of auditing a long list of extensions at one time:
--- Code: ---emelfm.tcz: similar extensions
emelfm2-locale.tcz: similar extensions
emelfm2.tcz: similar extensions
--- End code ---
Also, here is the output of the tcemaintainer file in that same directory:
--- Code: ---Extension: emelfm.tcz
Maintainer is juanito
Submitter is juanito
Extension: emelfm2-locale.tcz
Maintainer is Jason W
Submitter is Jason W
Extension: emelfm2.tcz
Maintainer is Jason W
Submitter is Jason W
--- End code ---
I just came across this page today, after having submitted several extensions over the past three months. I can't help but wonder who else has missed this. I have therefore added a note to the wiki (, since that is where people will be looking for information on creating an extension, not the forums.
Jason W:
I also made this a sticky so it doesn't get buried.
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