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Telco services DSL


Hello F

Is there any things that should be observed or done
when the powering of a Telco DSL line is removed then replaced.

it would seem Telco still works here correct, although it
serves correct DSL......but should i do some speed and ping testing.

With recent construction(s) works .........Builders have carried out
disconnection(s) of telco digital service line(s) (copper)........wiring.

The  home DSL box .....seems to default to some "Hard low level"
booting process.  It's clear the system has altered with boot and DSL
supplying pattern(s) due to disconnection and reconnection.

The  computing  equipment which is connected.......sort of "flips"  with

acknowledging the presence of "hardware DSL" telco connection(s)

Concerns are "no desire" for non-hardware recognition or recognition
of my telco digits as being a "digital subscribed line"...

"if it isn't broke........don't fix it".........................but i worry that multiple
interferences with this subscriber telco line   (loss of power to it) via construction
workers........could potentially alienate proper hardware detection by the service
provider.  (isp)

There is only a slight back up (scenario)  of using  expensive  "3G" mobile  telco internet. (available to me)



Heelo F,

Tested the DSL speeds, it gives the expected result(s)    3.4 m/bit down    0.82 m/bit UP

it functions.   


Hello F,

DSL struggling with  large delays indeed pulling in any Google services   or mass popular web sites such as youtube.

These DSL power removals could be removing telco server DNS caches from the digital cards at the telco establishment.....and it's compromising the DSL service here.




hello F,

same story with hardware.....cycles of reboots for anything to correctly

pair an isp service with a router and a (interconnected laptop) .

This stuff isn't   intelligent.   

There are hardware initialization issues.  Then Router hardware initialising with the isp has ......"cyclical domain sourcing problems"........ with very High traffic links.

It takes that other element........the Human intervention to finally make systems work correct.   Until................the next..?



Hello Forum,

as predicted, this telco DSL here has got worse.  Construction people repeatedly Keep disconnecting the Landline........there have been numerous occasions....

They are not capable of reconnecting  a landline which they disconnected.
The latest attempt results in a............ "LIFELESS voice handset telephone"........and some trickle of internet feed over DSL..........

THis is some  reality.........when experienced citizens  can't reconnect a wire they disconnected.......back to the same wire....and service.......(or reconnecting the "twisted Pair" telco line incorrectly.   
 (multiple times over....done incorrect)

The reasons for disruption is to "make cables look good and traced and installed proper" without bunches and tangled wires........

The intention is good.......the execution isn't  ..........

..........when not broke, don't try to fix it.    

(could just use Box coverings for bunches of achieve goal)...........instead it's  exaggerating into an innefective  practice  all round..........




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