Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 12.0 Alpha 2 Testing
Also x86 TC11
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are ok.
I appreciate the better quality versus more quantity. Is any rush for a new TC12?
I think most TC users own low or medium hardware. If someone buy new/latest hardware (lot of RAM/CPU/GPU/SDD) there are full bloated distribution, very polished than can have high speed for such huge hardware resources.
The TC11 is already very good and flexible. What MAJOR advantages for end user will bring TC12 in daily working?
The kernel (for new hardware), basic library (libc) and a new compiler (better speed/size for final appl?).
It will massively help (for future versions also) if there are already scripts for all tcz (maybe in the same place, not few in TC9, few in tc11, etc) to compile them. Maybe also have a map/chart with layer 1, then 2 of dependencies, to avoid hunting for not updated dependencies.
Testing appl from TC11 to transfer into TC12 is OK. But if time to release a new TC version is not a constraint, then maybe developers can identify the basic tcz (with no dependencies) and recompile then first (not copy/paste). Then identify tcz with dependencies of first layer, and so on. Maybe in parallel concentrate on GUI (Xorg).
Can someone list few (max 10) applications (audio/video/office/browser/utilities) that they are unhappy now in TC11, and they need them like breathing air, in new TC12?
The basic extensions - toolchain, Xorg, etc are recompiled and/or copied and tested.
Many, if not most, extensions have build notes/scripts.
Outside of the basics, extensions are user contributed and thus updates need to wait on the maintainers.
5.10 is LTS release so it is absolutely natural to produce TinyCore release based on it. As I understand all kernel LTS releases wake to life the corresponding TinyCore versions.
I do not criticise. I am expresing only my personal opinions.
- not ALL tcz have scripts, but "most". notes are not scripts.
- not all scripts to build tcz are in the same clear structure. some are in tc9, some are is tc10 etc, others are in git.
- not all tcz are recompiled, only few. so partial gain from new compiler or new basic libs.
- no "local" wiki. forum can be searched for strings, but wiki is better.
Kernel LTS is OK, I said nothing against it. My observations were about logical re-compiled apps. To avoid (as much as posible) various versions for "common" libs. (Such as badwolf browser depending on icu61 and icu65). Like libs for GTK 1/2/3. Or "common" libs for ffmpeg. I talk about few path/root libs that many apps use parts of them.
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