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Systems infrastructures (current role over and global climate)

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you say there were 2 sensors. no, only one sensor got used.
the only way to use the other sensor was to land the plane and reboot it. then the other sensor would be selected.

totally bizarre,

the planes have 2 (angle of attack) sensors....but MCAS only uses  one of them
......not both.

(why are both there?)

why did it not have 3 (angle of attack) sensors and use all 3.....? , .......(all redundancy systems  have 3....)


all other systems can use all sensors redundantly during flight.
as this mcas software was an afterthought, and clearly done separately, it is not integrated at all into the overall rather intricate redundancy design scheme.
for mcas they side-stepped the usual development process and replaced it with something cheaper.
they have been allowed to just continue operating with this system for now, which is beyond my capacity to properly imagine.


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