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Here's an alternative to wbar that I like, using the "popup" feature in JWM.  The taskbar only appears when the mouse pointer is at the top of the screen, and pops up over the browser window.  

[removed due to policy]apps/taskbar.png
[removed due to policy]apps/noicons.png

--- Code: ---<JWM>
 <Tray autohide="true" insert="right" valign="top" halign="center" height="25" >
  <!TrayButton popup="" icon="nothing.png">exec:</TrayButton>
  <!TrayButton popup="" icon="nothing.png">exec:</TrayButton>
  <!TrayButton popup="" icon="nothing.png">exec:</TrayButton>
  <TrayButton popup="Aterm - terminal emulator" icon="/usr/share/wbar/aterm.png">exec:aterm</TrayButton>
  <TrayButton popup="Panel - Control Panel" icon="/usr/share/wbar/cpanel.png">exec:cpanel</TrayButton>
  <TrayButton popup="Apps - Appbrowser" icon="/usr/share/wbar/appbrowser.png">exec:appbrowser</TrayButton>

  <TrayButton popup="gnumeric" icon="/usr/local/tce.icons/gnumeric.png">exec:gnumeric</TrayButton>
  <TrayButton popup="gftp" icon="/usr/local/tce.icons/gftp2.png">exec:gftp-gtk</TrayButton>
  <!TrayButton popup="" icon="nothing.png">exec:</TrayButton>
      <Clock format="%a %d %b %k:%M"></Clock>
     <TrayButton label="_">showdesktop</TrayButton>
    <!-- Additional Pager attributes; width, height -->
 <!-- Additional TaskList attribute: maxwidth -->

--- End code ---

Hey I like it. Nice idea.


--- Quote from: bigpcman on July 24, 2009, 04:10:18 PM ---Hey I like it. Nice idea.

--- End quote ---

I try to come up with one a year, and my birthday's tomorrow...   :)

I like it too, but not as much as I like wbar.  I added a "Tiny" button (ala the "Start" button) to my (autohiding) jwm tray, but I still mainly use wbar - I just stash it in the lower left or lower right, make it tiny and make it almost completely transparent (the icons re-opaquify on mouseover).

One of the options on my "Tiny button" menu is to kill off the standard wbar and start it up with my options.

Happy birthday.


--- Quote from: Lee on July 24, 2009, 05:48:54 PM ---Happy birthday.

--- End quote ---
Thanks  :)


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