Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs
Failure with open-vm-tools-desktop
[tinycore_]:</home/tc/> tce-load -wi open-vm-tools-desktop
open-vm-tools-desktop.tcz.dep OK
graphics-5.4.3-tinycore.tcz.dep OK
Downloading: Xorg-7.7-3d.tcz
Connecting to repo.tinycorelinux.net (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
Xorg-7.7-3d.tcz: FAILED
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 computed checksums did NOT match
Error on Xorg-7.7-3d.tcz
I downloaded it directly and the md5sum is OK. Make sure you have enough RAM for your VM, then delete the Xorg-7.7-3d.tcz file you downloaded and try again.
lol, well i had a Gig of ram, so i just went and deleted all those related Xorg files,
It worked.
I wouldn't think there would be remnants of old downloads that didn't work, hmmm.
Anyway thanks, good job.
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