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surprise; debian got smart at last! Version running on RAM !!! :) :D

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I approach the event with positive constructive criticism.
(I never approached with a destructive perspective.)

To be objective;
dCore is like a stand-alone debian storage drawer,
Debian's feature for me; essentially it means (+) 60,000 application packages.

More important than the strength of the kernel;
updating the kernel and applications with the same GCC.
only for this reason there are perceived issues as the lower kernel version of the same application as the upper kernel version.

but the truth is GCC compatibility is more important than kernel
Looking at the event in this respect; more important points emerge in terms of performance! ,

TCL has a more unique structure. :)
I don't think dCore offers much more than an alternative package drawer. ;]

--- Quote from: ulfr on December 29, 2020, 02:20:51 PM ---
debian live and debian use apt
which integrates the application into the blob 
the application must be then manipulated by a package manager

dcore makes a standalone extension
which can be manipulated independently

thus dcore (and tinycore) is superior to debian  live
and all other systems i have used

thank you jason w for dcore


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