HI Rich,
yes of course, so here is what i did:
mkdir tempdir
cd tempdir
zcat /path/to/existing/core.gz | sudo cpio -i
sudo cp -a /tmp/tcloop/fbv/usr/local/bin/fbv usr/bin
sudo cp -a /tmp/tcloop/libpng/usr/local/lib/* usr/lib
sudo cp -a /tmp/tcloop/libjpeg/usr/local/lib/* usr/lib
cp Path/To/YourImage etc/init.d
# Changes will be made to the rcS file.
editor etc/init.d/rcS
#replaced this "/etc/init.d/tc-config" with:
/usr/bin/fbv -a -i /etc/init.d/YourImage &
/etc/init.d/tc-config >/dev/null 2>&1
/usr/bin/killall -q fbv &
#replaced the existing core.gz with the new one
cd tempdir
sudo find . | sudo cpio -o -H newc | gzip > /path/to/existing/core.gz
#so for the error "open /dev/fb0 no such device":
i used the folowing:
VGA = 795 for 1280x1024 resolution *because i did not found a VGA code for the 1920x1080 resolution*
logo.nologo=1 so the Tinycore logo dosen't come while booting
console=/dev/null so the echo lines in tc-config dosn't come while booting
Provide the specifications of the splash image you used:
A. Format (png or jpeg).
B. Size, width and height.
C. Color depth if known, i.e. 8 bit 256 color.
A. i used PNG ( all 1280x1024 )
B. i used several Sizes like ( 1,70 MB, 1 MB, 500 KB )
C. like i said i used the code VGA=795 i think it stand for 16.7M Color , 24 bit , 1280x1024
thank you very much !!