Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Release Candidate 6 is now posted.
This RC should be better in supporting netcards via dhcp.
* Moved dhcp to background from tc-config allows slower netcards to become configured.
* Terminal Server mod to accomodate new busybox.
* Added link to improve extension module support in PPI environment.
Lua extras:
--- Quote ---etc/init.d/functions.lua
--- End quote ---
I forgot colors from dhcp.sh:
--- Quote ------ dhcp.sh 2008-12-15 19:13:53.000000000 +0200
+++ dhcp.sh.new 2008-12-15 19:18:14.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# The DHCP portion is now separated out, in order to not slow the boot down
# only to wait for slow network cards
+. /etc/init.d/tc-functions
# This waits until all devices have registered
--- End quote ---
And a typo in tc-terminal-server:
--- Quote ------ tc-terminal-server 2008-12-15 19:13:53.000000000 +0200
+++ tc-terminal-server.new 2008-12-15 19:19:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -102,5 +102,5 @@
# If everything's OK, let's roll!
udhcpd /netboot/udhcpd.conf &
-echo Plase leave this terminal open
+echo Please leave this terminal open
udpsvd -E 0 69 tftpd /netboot
--- End quote ---
This release allowed the network to be configured automatically in one of my setups. Nice.
In addition, the change of making the output on one line might be better, so that the output during boot doesn't get messed up:
--- Code: ------ dhcp.sh.orig Tue Dec 16 00:17:55 2008
+++ dhcp.sh Tue Dec 16 00:26:53 2008
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@
NETDEVICES="$(awk -F: '/eth.:|tr.:/{print $1}' /proc/net/dev 2>/dev/null)"
- echo -n "${GREEN}Network device ${MAGENTA}$DEVICE${GREEN} detected, DHCP broadcasting for IP.${NORMAL}"
+ echo "${GREEN}Network device ${MAGENTA}$DEVICE${GREEN} detected, DHCP broadcasting for IP. ${BLUE}(Backgrounding)${NORMAL}"
trap 2 3 11
/sbin/udhcpc -b -i $DEVICE -h $(/bin/hostname) -p /var/run/udhcpc.$DEVICE.pid >/dev/null 2>&1 &
trap "" 2 3 11
- sleep 1
- echo " ${BLUE}(Backgrounding)${NORMAL}"
--- End code ---
Probably could get rid of the trap statements as well since it's backgrounded... but can't hurt to leave them in, I guess.
Colors & Typo ;D
I have already cut down the text to prevent intermixing.
--- Quote ---Colors & Typo ;D
--- End quote ---
What? ;)
Ain't it usually a good sign when fixes start to be cosmetic?
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