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Unable to instal TCL with VirtualBox

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After the some investigations & experiments, it have been run success ;D:

Due to strange bug on installation process which doesn't allow to make install to the first harddisk( primary master. And it's can't be unmounted ), the installation ends with success to second harddisk only( primary slave at VirtualBox settings ).
Installation to the second disk done with success, but loading of the installed system ends with error related to mcookie and that it's not found.
After disk changed( i.e. disk with TCE installed become primary master ), installed system works fine..

Things is that it's bug isn't reproducible with other fresh-created VM's. Maybe it's related with low RAM provided to the first VM( 100-200 Mb, the main system with WM run successful, but installation process finish with error due to unable unmount harddisk.. maybe because something like swap to first harddisk used )

Hello Forum,

great you got it going.

Seem to recall that for a VM it was simply a case of mounting and starting the TCL iso file. (pointing to it).....

.and giving the  VM some  ram etc (what defaults it needs ,....the VM)

start the VM and it went to the TCL graphic desktop.




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