Hi, i'm working on a tcz extension based on my own program.
I compiled my code directly on PicoRePlayer (Linux distro based on TCL) with success. So I created the tcz extension with the tool mksquashfs and copyed tcz in /tce/optional.
After that i tce-load -i myextension to check if dependency are loaded and if my extension works. All was OK and works as expected.
So i edit bootlocal.sh, onboot.lst and filetool.sh -b to save config.
But, when i reboot, PI stuck on boot step "loading extensions..", with cursor rotating forever.
The only solution is to manually remove my extension from /optional and reboot.
So i change bootcodes, added syslog, loglevel=7 and showapps, but cant'find any useful logs in dmesg.
Maybe someone could help me with some ideas?