Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

[Solved] xscreensaver/glx problems since recent Xorg-7.7-3d.tcz upgrade

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IIRC there is an "update .dep files" option in Apps, not sure what it's called in the cli scripts.

Hi curaga

--- Quote from: curaga on December 09, 2020, 12:44:47 PM ---IIRC there is an "update .dep files" option in Apps, ...
--- End quote ---
So there is:
Click  Apps->Maintenance->Dependencies And Deletions
Click  Apps->Update .dep files.

I just found this (thanks for the tip, curaga!):

--- Code: ---tce-audit updatedeps
--- End code ---
It doesn't tell you what it's doing while it runs, but I tested it (randomly deleted some .dep files and changed others) and the command fixed everything. 

I will make it a habit of running this command in combination with "tce-update".

EDIT: I looked at the tce-audit script and the reason the reason "tce-audit updatedeps" doesn't say much is because it's not making any fancy decisions--it simply downloads a fresh copy of each extension's .dep file (if one exists in the repo). Simple and effective, like all things TCL :)

Oh, that's nice! Thanks, Curaga and Rich!

Hi GNUser
I believe I included that command in my earlier post ::):

--- Quote from: Rich on December 09, 2020, 08:52:11 AM --- ... This has always worked to update everything:

--- Code: ---tce-audit builddb
tce-audit updatedeps
tce-audit fetchmissing
--- End code ---
Then click the  Exit  icon and select reboot. ...
--- End quote ---


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