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Author Topic: hexchat error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0 in CorePure64 11.1  (Read 4715 times)

Offline licoti

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Hi all,

hexchat (as provided by the repo for CorePure64 11.1) shows the following error:

Code: [Select]
hexchat: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The repo only contains 'openssl-1.1.1', noting in the extension's info file:
Code: [Select]
Current:        2020/04/05 updated 1.1.1b -> 1.1.1f
I found an extension called 'openssl.tcz' in the repo for CorePure64 10.x which contains the missing file libssl.so.1.0.0, see:

I'm not entirely sure if adding both extensions simultaneously is a good idea..  ???

Additionally, for the sake of curiosity and testing I downloaded and installed this older 1.0.0 library extension anyway.  8)

While this does make hexchat start, attempting to connect over ssl renders the error:

Code: [Select]
* NON-SSL command received on SSL-only port. Check your connection settings.

I don't have the buildscripts for xchat (from 10.1 32bit) or hexchat (in 64bit repo), but If I knew what the preferred compile arguments are for CorePure64, I could try and have a go at it on request.

Thanks for your time and advice!

Edit3: I had some vague problems with the main chat-window overlapping the area which should contain the chatwindow and userlist and mode-buttons. I thought I could consistently reproduce this, but I can't so I removed the description/noise. At the moment I can only still reproduce changing a channel to network root (and network-root as channel) in the tree-view hierarchy by attaching/detaching, but that's not that important.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2020, 08:56:36 AM by licoti »

Online Rich

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Hi licoti
Just a heads up, it is customary to check with the current maintainer if it's OK to update their extension. In this case
that would be Juanito, who will likely respond later on when he sees this post. In the mean time, if you want to play, the
build notes can be found here:

... I don't have the buildscripts for xchat (from 10.1 32bit) ...
Build notes for xchat:
And xchat2:

Offline licoti

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Thanks Rich, I wasn't aware about the /src/ pattern in the urls!

I inquired about the current procedures on the irc channel but...

Anyhow, I assume now that if I had the intent to recompile/update an existing package, I PM the maintainer via this forum (and wait for a good week if need be).

I mainly suggested I am willing to chime in   :)

I'll continue searching the forums (not that I can finally use the search-function  :D) about the recommended/required compile arguments for building proper extensions for TC64 bit, and where to post the question if someone has experience or interest in this new minimalistic browser called 'badwolf' that's been getting good reviews lately.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2020, 10:31:56 AM by licoti »

Online Rich

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Hi licoti
More information on creating extensions can be found here:
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 10:43:11 PM by Rich »

Online Rich

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Hi licoti
... and where to post the question if someone has experience or interest in this new minimalistic browser called 'badwolf' that's been getting good reviews lately.
TCE Talk  would probably be a good spot:

Offline licoti

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Again, thanks,

does that information (and links) still reflect the current requirements for 64 bit?
Can I also find current recommended build-script templates from there? (while on the subject :) )

(I've been dabbling in TC on and off the last years, prior to making it my daily driver since january this year).

Live addition, thanks for pointing me to the correct thread regarding badwolf!

Thanks again Rich!

Online Rich

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Hi licoti
... does that information (and links) still reflect the current requirements for 64 bit? ...
The Wiki should be current.

... Can I also find current recommended build-script templates from there? (while on the subject  ) ...
Recommended? No. But you can find a couple of samples of what I've done here:

Offline licoti

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Thanks a bunch,

then I will discard some stuff I learned past year on 10.1 32 bit, and start fresh from this jumping point!

Online Juanito

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If you'd like to submit an update to hexchat, please go ahead.

Offline licoti

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Thanks for responding Juanito!

current hexchat in 11.x 64bit repo is version 2.10.2

Hexchat changelog (https://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html) mentions:

2.12.4 (2016-12-10)
- fix building against OpenSSL 1.1

2.14.0 (2018-03-10)
- rewrite build system in Meson
- fix building against OpenSSL 1.1.0

2.14.3 (2019-12-20)
- fix various incorrect parsing of IRC messages relating to trailing parameters

Note, the above are only the most important highlights.

It appears to me this means we'd need to upgrade to at least 2.14.0, but preferably 2.14.3 (which then is also the latest release) because fixing it's input stream parser to correctly handle trailing paramaters in the irc messagestream isn't the only very important fix.

It doesn't feel right to me to unilaterally decide for the community what compile-time options are to be selected (script-support, which supported script-languages, theme support, etc.).

I also haven't yet encountered this 'mason' thing and have some stuff open in my current session, I'd need at least a day before I can do a clean base-line reboot.

Perhaps, the best thing to do is for me to post the available compile-time options asap, which options were currently selected in 2.10.2 (from the src link Rich provided), and what seems to be equivalent (couse if it was just for me I'd disable script support and 'send system stats' etc..).

What's the usual workflow here (when deciding compiled options in preparing an extension for the community)?

Online Juanito

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You might as well go for the most recent stable - i.e. 2.14.3

The basics for a CorePure64 meson build are:
Code: [Select]
$ tce-load -i compiletc meson
$ cd source_code
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ CC="gcc -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -mtune=generic -Os -pipe" CXX="g++ -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -mtune=generic -Os -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" meson --prefix=/usr/local --localstatedir=/var --buildtype=plain -Doption1 -Doption2
$ ninja
$ sudo ninja install
..where the options can be found in meson_options.txt

Since you're building the extension, you get to choose the options, but the idea is to make things as small and efficient as possible.

Online Rich

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Hi licoti
For compiler flags, if you click on the link in reply #6, you'll see 2 scripts attached to that post. Browse through them.
If you scroll down to where it says  PROCESSOR_TYPE  in the scripts, you'll see where it set the flags based on the
platform you are compiling from. If you boot your machine in 64 bit kernel, the flags will be set for x86_64. If you boot
the same machine in a 32 bit kernel, the flags will be set for x86. The scripts are setup to compile and package for
multiple architectures.