Hi guys!
Just a suggestion: When adding or removing support/devices to the kernel, leave a change-log file in x.x/platform/src/kernel (it would be nice to see things before they're implemented.)
Also, what's happened to the repo? (ie: kernel sources/patches/etc. missing, etc. from v9 and newer that I've looked within just a minute ago in x86/64 and possibly others?)If the patches, configs, etc. haven't changed between adjacent versions, a link to the last valid file would be quite helpful, along with a copy (or link to) the original kernel.org source file used. I needed to recompile 11.x kernel to include or mod i2c under x86_64 and 11.x/x86_64/src doesn't exist. (ASUS Hero motherboards running Ryzen 7+ processors oddly need i2c for their onboard NIC which thankfully 8.x still has in the x64 extensions and that happened to be the version I USB booted from.)
Regardless, if you guys wouldn't mind uploading 11.x/platform/src/kernel/* files it would be quite appreciated!