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? the hardcore of utopic minimalism ? how should a really minimalist linux be !?
Enjoy the linux development arhitecture.
anyone can produce a philosophy.
Software production used to be an engineering job.
now it is something that even I can rightfully criticize!
what I can understand from unix (linux) philosophy;
The unix (linux) operating system can access all physical system resources.
According to this point of view; a script file for an application is more than enough to handle every job.
And as a result, 40-odd years have passed since the 1970s. :)
the truth of the past, the truth of this day; not the same.
* In the past, minimalism was a necessity because hardware resources were very limited.
* now minimalism is a necessity as unnecessary resource consumption has reached enormous levels!
In this respect only the hourglass flows in reverse, from the philosophical point of view!
How logical do you find the philosophy of restructuring.
and an alpha and beta developer teams should be formed on these issues!?
The works we do alone without support,
It cannot go beyond being a personal memory,
In this respect, group work is important
--- Quote from: nick65go on November 30, 2020, 05:11:53 AM ---Enjoy the linux development arhitecture.
--- End quote ---
Hey! I am not against your ideas. I am for minimalism to the bones.Even for any OS (linux, windows, whatever) and for any processor type (x86, arm, whatever). Look at Intel chips, spying on us from OS burnt on CPUs (with Minix file-system inside chip).
Anyone can issue ideas, some with briliant ideas, others just vomit ideas. It is about who does the work and the reward. Unfortunately is a capitalist world (money first, America first, whatever shit first); it is about optimizing between time, resources, knowledge, priorities.
Hi xor
You are complaining complaining about 16378 links occupying 619089 bytes????
That's less than 1 megabyte.
I would say you could not be more petty, but I'm sure that's not true.
this is only virtual link content!
There is also the physical folder part of it.
that means 2x times, no matter where you look.
at the points where the system replicates itself; total ram consumption will not be less than 5 MB
You created TCL with the ideal of creating a linux that can work even on the lowest hardware system! :)
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