dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
"steam" dcore (in debian store) x86_32-bit only! :)
"steam" dcore (in debian store) x86_32-bit only! :)
again I got stuck somewhere but could not solve what caused the problem!? :(
+dCorePlus-Db9_stretch32.iso >> http://tinycorelinux.net/dCore/x86/release_candidates/dCore-stretch/dCorePlus-stretch.iso
--- Code: --->>sce-import steam
Select package for 'steam'.
1. steam
2. steam-devices
3. steamcmd
Enter selection ( 1 - 3 ) or (q)uit: 1
>>sce-load steam
--- End code ---
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
xz: (stdin): File format not recognized
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
find: ‘/root/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime’: No such file or directory
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