General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial - a GUI for inxi
Hi everybody.
I've done a simply GUI for inxi program (in TC we enjoys of inxi.tcz extension) named
inxi is a complete hardware and system checker but a bit more (like your local weather report). I only did a GUI to manage several options that offer. So is a gui for inxi (i didn't need to crash my brain looking for this name...) ;D
This is the main page of
You will see a main menu with options, select what you wants and after ask you if you wants to save the info into a file. the QUIT option (the last one) exits from guinxi.
Steps to get it and run it
1) The only requeriment you need to use it is loading the zenity.tcz extension first.
2) After, you need to download my code from my github:
3) Open your terminal and go to directory that you downloaded (if you download the zip file extract it with gzip.tcz (surely don't you need install it already); i recomends copy&paste the code into a new file and save it, this is a bit more easy.
4) Finally run in the terminal this:
--- Code: ---chmod 775
--- End code ---
This shows the repositories sources
by the another hand you will know zenity.tcz this simply dialogs or pop-up window maker. You can to do a new aspect to your shell scripts.
I hope could to help you to check a bit more your engine.
Enjoy it !
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